Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Disabilities vs. Unemployment

Looking for employment is already a challenge in its self. So imagine the difficulties one faces if they are disabled and looking to be employed. Particularly the disabled Youth between the ages of 15-54 find it most difficult to find employment or even be considered able to work.  Research done by the labour-force in according to the youth with disabilities found that many individuals face the biggest challenge when it comes to moving from school to the labour market. Making it difficult for them to succeed, unemployment in the labour market has always been higher for those with disabilities than those without in almost every society.  These challenges come from issues that students with disabilities face such as not receiving the required skills and qualifications to further themselves in the labour market.

There are many inequalities in the education system that makes it difficult for these individuals to receive the right education and skill development for them to succeed in the workforce. Negative attitudes and discrimination towards disabilities is also a major obstacle in the unemployment rate for these individuals. Specifically the negative perception of youths with disabilities, that they are unable to work and will be less productive than those who don’t have disabilities. Also because they are disabled many employers view them as needing more assistance which can affect the job that is required to be done.  Research has proven that these negative perceptions are false and that people with disabilities are equally as dependable and productive as those without disabilities. Also people with disabilities are less likely to be absent from work than those without disabilities.

Hoping to shed more light on this issue more can be done to help the disabled youth with finding employment.  Changes in the education system should be brought on to help these individuals receive the right training and education so that they are able to succeed in the workforce.  In order to decrease the unemployment rate and increase employment rate of people with disabilities we also need to change the negative perceptions of those with disabilities and their ability to work.

- Marcia M.


International Youth of the Year: Dialogue  and Mutual Understanding (2010-2011)
The Intersection of DISABILITY and Race/Ethnicity/Official Language/Religion (March 8, 2002)


  1. I agree with you Marcia that more needs to be done on this issue. I know that schools are now incorporating a Work Education program for students with physical and intellectual disabilities. I worked as an EA in a high school here in Winnipeg and they have a wonderful Work Ed. program, our students were able to work at some really great places with the opportunity to become hired once they graduated. I know many places such as Walmart & Safeway employ people with disabilties but they still do not receive the same wage as other employees, which is total discrimination. There still are vew few options for employment for disabled individuals and I think you're right, we need to provide more support.

    Shauna Richardson

  2. It is evident that people with disabilities are at a disadvantage and there is a need for more programs to help these individuals.I agree with Shauna that it is total discrimination for them to paid less than other idividuals however it is nice to hear that more companies are hiring disabled people.
    What do you suggest should be done to help these individuals in the work force?

  3. It is a good start for companies to be more open to hire more people with disabilities but a lot of change still needs to happen. People everywhere need to realize that being physically disabled does not mean that are any less of a worker or a person. Good blog post Marcia.

    -Chandra B

  4. Well done post, Marcia. I think more emphasis needs to be placed on finding jobs for people with disabilites. I've been to many different stores where there are employees with physical disabilities and they are just as capable as any other employee in that store. I think that employers need to realize this and maybe then there wouldn't be such an issue with finding jobs for youth with disabilities.

    - Michal B.
