Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Beauty Within

The media has always bombarded us with a perfect image of beauty, making it artificial and unrealistic. Because beauty is viewed as being perfect, young, slender, and physically able, it makes it hard for woman with disabilities to come to terms with being beautiful. This interpretation of beauty is very discriminatory and prejudiced. It forces woman to feel pressurized into doing almost anything to obtain such beauty, from plastic surgery, eating disorders, and even suicide. The media’s idea of beauty makes it almost impossible for woman with disabilities to appear in movies, TV shows or even advertisements. These views do not provide woman and even some men with disabilities opportunities to celebrate their differences and sexuality through any kind of performances, theater, film, dance, and so on. Feeling beautiful and sexy is an essential part of the human self-esteem and identity. Beauty comes from within and denying this kind of beauty is an insult to human life. We need to be able to start thinking different, and understanding the true meaning of beauty. I have included a very inspirational YouTube video that I believe everybody should watch. I also didn’t want to write much on this topic because I wanted to show the images of beauty more. I have included several photos of the beauty of disability. As a society we need to begin to understand the challenges a person with disability faces outside of their disability.

-       - Marcia M


  1. Good post Marcia! I found this blog interesting and powerful. I agree society's view of beauty is very limited and not accurate as it does not include all aspects of the beauty of a person and it is not a good representation of human beauty as a whole. It focuses on the physical appeareance of a certain group of people who look or appear a certain way. This mindset is a disadvantage for people with disabilities as it is not giving them an opportunity to celebrate their uniqueness, differences and beauty. I fully agree with you that as a society we need to understand the challenges that people with disabilities face outside their disability. This is a good point because they may deal with beauty as you mentioned but also other struggles like self esteem and confidence. It is important as a society to talk about beauty in a wholistic fashion that incorporates a diverse selection of beauty incorporating people with a wide variety of differences.

  2. I totally agree with you. I like this post and i think everyone should watch it. As a society we need to look at the beauty of every individual from inside and out. The disadvantage with having a disability like the lady said look at me all you want, i can't imagine being someone with a disability and always being stared at because they look different. We all have beauty!
    Well done Marcia


  3. Great post! This is wonderful to see, I think everyone is beautiful and everyone should experience and embrace their beauty. It is a shame the way people with a physical disability are looked at especially when it is not their fault it is just what life dealt them. It makes me so sad and the fact that this can happen to anyone makes me feel so fortunate to not have to go through their pain. I hope the next generation is able to see the beauty in everyone so they do not have to suffer any more.


  4. Love this post. I think if people were to watch the video and read this post a lot of stereotypes of disability and buauty would be broken. Ths post definatly opened my eyes on a diffrent perspective.

  5. This post blew my mind. Marcia, you could not have said it any better, and the accompanying video was perfect. Beauty is in flaws and in our imperfect nature. Everyone is beautiful, but sometimes people don't care to see that beauty emanating from others. Amazing, and so incredibly true.

    I agree with Kerri in the sense that I too believe that if people were to watch this video that a lot of stereotypes surrounding the idea of beauty would be broken.


  6. First of all, I LOVE these photos Marcia!
    Very inspirational video. Beauty is not about how perfect you are, and you did a great way of portraying that.
    I want this video to spread like wildfire, great find!

  7. Great post Marica! and the pictures were fantastic! It really makes you think of the different forms of hardships people with physical disabilites face. Most of the time people just see the disability, and nothing more. This is horrible and societys attitude needs to change. Everyone is beautiful in their unique way!

    Jenn S

  8. Thank you for sharing this. I think that women everywhere go through such lengths to achieve an unattainable and unrealistic standard of beauty. For those of us who don't fit society's "ideal" representation of beauty (which is pretty much all of us??), we feel excluded. We shouldn't have to feel that way! Those pictures are great. It shows that we need to celebrate our differences because beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, regardless of ability.

    - Julia

  9. I just saw this post and I do not know how I missed. It was such a powerful written word so thank you for sharing this. I agree so much that our world has a carved in definition of what beauty is. It is tall, slim, physically abled etc. It does not allow for uniqueness. I, myself, have been affected by the definition of what beauty is- by not being a size 0 but being a size 10. I didn't even think to make the connection between physically disabled persons with the definition of beauty- so thank you for making me aware of my ignorance. I also loved the pictures that you posted. Overall, wonderful post.

  10. I feel strongly about this issue, societies idea of perfection is not realistic. Beauty is in everyone, which is proven when looking at the pictures above. The media needs to change the way they portray perfection because of the way it impacts people who don't meet these standards. Great blog post Marcia, really insightful.

    -Chandra B

  11. This is a fantastic post, Marcia. I really enjoyed the pictures and the video was very inspiring. I too feel like the media paints a certain image of beauty and there are so few people who actually fit that "image". I wish there were more people like the photographers who took these pictures that saw the beauty in every single person regardless of their looks or abilities.

    - Michal B.

  12. Wow great post! very inspirational. I think everyone's beautiful :) I liked how you included all the pictures. Its crazy how much the media has an impact to what people see "beautiful" as.


  13. Very eye opening and interesting blog!, I like the pictures that you've include very moving indeed. Shouldn't beauty be within? why should we be to quick on judging.. Our society has lead us to have this "ideal" image on beauty. But quite frankly everyone is beautiful in their own different way!
